MarBIT history

The current version is the 3rd update of the initial research report. A new standard operational procedure (SOP) with an updated MarBIT has been produced in 2015 and is part of the draft ordinance on surface waters.

  • Initial version: 20 December 2006
  • 1st update: 27 November 2007 (new section on the assessment of whole water bodies, enhancement of assessment unit profiles, renaming of assessment units)
  • 2nd update: 12 February 2008 (english summary, correction of the wrong Figure 6 on the TSI, supplement of the class boundaries of the abundance index, correction of the upper class boundary of the sensitivity index, new class boundaries of the tolerance index, change in Table 5 with the dominant habitats, update of section on intersection of habitat assessments, reference lists updated)
  • 3rd update: 20 January 2009 (correction of wrong formular of the upper class boundaries of the sensitivity index)
  • 4th update: 30 September 2015 (new SOP with an updated MarBIT, this is no update of the MarBIT research report)